Sunday, November 16, 2014

Balance Beam

When I was younger, I was in gymnastics. One of the hardest activities for me was the balance beam. You couldn't have too much weight on one side or the other, or you would fall and possibly get pretty hurt. You had to have that balance, in the middle of the beam.

Well, that's the same in life. To be successful, you must have balance. You cannot have too much weight on one side or the other, or you will fall. What I mean is,you cannot be working all of the time and not spending anytime with your family. You cannot stay up late every night and not get enough sleep. Or, eat out all the time and never cook. How you spend your time is how you gain balance.

You must prioritize correctly. And let me tell you, you will never have enough time in the world to do anything if you don't make time for God FIRST. Whether it's in His word, in prayer, or praise & worship...when you put God first, everything else will fall into place. You will have that balance.

The bible says when you seek Him first, that all the things will be added unto you. I believe that part of those things is time. It always seems like there is more time in the day when you spend it with Him first. But, when you seek God first...when you look to Him first...when He has the number one spot in your life...then it will be that much easier to keep your balance. :)

"But seek ye first his kingdom, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you" Matthew 6:33