Sunday, December 7, 2014


Do you know that "Fear Not" is written 365 times in the bible? Sounds to me like that is a scripture a day to remind you not to be afraid no matter what the day holds.

Part of those words, "Fear Not" in the bible are instances where an angel of the Lord would come down and before they would say anything, they would first say, "Fear Not". They would say it first because fear is a crippling feeling. Fear will paralyze you. Paralyze you to step into your destiny, paralyze you to run towards the call God has on your will completely freeze you. So they would say it first because if that person would choose not to fear, then they could continue on to do whatever the angel came down to tell them. Otherwise, if they were in fear they couldn't move.

Think about it. When you are in fear you cannot move forward. If you cannot move forward, you are stagnant.

But when you begin to understand the greatness of our God. The vastness of His love for you. The protection He provides for you...You will begin to see that you have no reason  to fear. You see, it's all in His hands. Everything is in His timing. Whether you feel like it or not, whether you realize it or not...God is always with you. He never leaves you nor forsakes you.

Deuteronomy 31:6 "Be strong & courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the Lord your God goes with you; He will never leave you nor forsake you."

So if he never leaves us nor forsakes us, then what do we have to be afraid of?

Now this doesn't mean we don't have the opportunity to feel fear. It just means that you shouldn't take the bait. Don't fear, for God is with you! When you are operating in fear, you are showing that you don't have faith in God. You cannot have fear & faith inside of you. It's either one or the other.

You see, fear is the opposite of faith. If you fear, you aren't trusting in God, therefore you aren't in faith. You are focusing on the problem instead of focusing on the God that created you and is bigger than anything you may face. You are putting that situation above God. You are saying, "God can't solve this, He can't help me. I'm scared. I don't know what to do." But when you choose faith, you are allowing God to work on your behalf. You are allowing Him to work things out for you. (Romans 8:28).

So tonight, I say, "Fear Not". God is with you. He is always with you. It doesn't matter whether you feel it or not. He is...He always is. Don't look at the situation, don't look at your circumstance. But look at the God that says, "Be strong & courageous!" (Joshua 1:7). He will make you brave, He will fight your battles for you. All you have to do is let Him. Trust Him. Obey Him. Get to know Him. Let Him make you brave :)

Song accompanying this blog:

1)  Bethel Music & Amanda Cook "You Make Me Brave". You make me brave

2) Moriah Peters "Brave" Brave