Sunday, November 13, 2011

Your calling is calling - should I take a message?

Destiny.  Callings.  It's no wonder dreams don't manifest over night.  The man power, drive, motivation and passion it takes to carry out a dream can almost seem unbearable.  But you have to start somewhere.  Look around you, everything you see started off as a mere dream, started off as an idea.  Steve Jobs drastically changed our technology world from innovative ideas, what if he would of listened to those who didn't believe the impossible?  Walt Disney created a reality from his imagination, what if he would of given up after people told him he was crazy?  These men had a dream inside of them that would not quit.  Sometimes the manifestation is right beyond the time you feel like quitting.  You would be surprised to see how far you can go after the point you feel like walking away.  You may be saying, "well that is easy for them because they had such a clear vision to pursue".  Often times, we may have the drive, but lack the dream to follow.  Here are a few tips to position yourself in finding your passions.

1) Emotions Often times, your passion is the very thing that moves you emotionally.  When you see an abusive relationship does it make you mad enough to want to make a difference and possibly start a woman's shelter?  Or if someone were to tell you you weren't supposed to become a missionary, would you be sad because you have a heart for nations and traveling?  Take notice of the things that drive you to action, most of the time there is a reason for your motivation.

2)  Discouragement Once you understand your passions, sometimes you start off discouraged because there are already many people pursuing that same dream.  Don't tell yourself you can't do something just because someone else is already doing it.  If you have always wanted to write music and see someone else succeeding, sometimes you may feel like you don't have to push towards that dream because someone already is.  There are 6.9 trillion people on the earth.  We are all unique and are drawn to different things.  Do not let other people already living your dream discourage you, God put that desire in your heart for a reason.

3)  Time Get to know your creator.  If God created you for a purpose, the more time you spend with Him, the more you will discover who you are in Him and what you are called to do.  An artist knows his paintings inside and out because he created them, he spend ample time carefully constructing them.  Thus, since God created you, when you spend time learning Him, you spend time understanding yourself.  If we were made in His image, the more we know Him, the more we begin to know ourselves.  Take time for this, take time to learn about yourself. 

When you begin to know yourself and what moves you to action, you will begin to discover your purpose.  The first step is uncovering your passions, the clearer that becomes, the harder it will be for anything or anyone to discourage you.  Start a journey of self discovery, reflecting on those things that motivate you, and write them down.  If you don't know where or how to start, just start!  Things will be revealed to you as you take that first step.  GO!

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